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Cédric Gottfried
Ph.D. Candidate in Urban and Public Policy    |    personal page     |   

Cédric Gottfried is a Ph.D. Candidate in Urban and Public Policy at The New School. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages (English and Spanish) at University of Besançon in France, a Masters in Cultural Heritage at University of Angers, and a Masters in Town and Regional Planning at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris. He has worked as a consultant and project manager for a variety of agencies and organizations, including the International Council on Monuments and Sites, the Institut pour la Ville en Mouvement in Paris, and several private design firms.


Gottfried's research focuses on issues of revitalization of sparsely populated or undervalued territories and the associated public policies.  He uses his knowledge of mapping and data processing to support communities in identifying issues and recommendation of solutions.

The New School Urban Space Lab

Laboratory for Urban Spatial + Landscape Research
66 W. 12th St., Room 605, New York, NY 10011  United States

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